NYC Bankruptcy Blog

March 8, 2013

Can I file bankruptcy on my student loans?

There is more student loan debt out there today than auto loan debt or credit card debt.  According to a recent report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, student loan debt has increased to a striking figure of $956 billion.  Unfortunately, the vast majority of people cannot file bankruptcy on student loans.  This applies […]
March 4, 2013

Bankruptcy Can Help With PayDay Loans That Ripoff Consumers

Payday loans are a trap that catches many struggling consumers.  Thankfully, many consumers can protect themselves with Chapter 7 bankruptcy and erase these debts. On February 27, 2013, the New York Times wrote an article on the dangers of payday loans.  They reported that: “People use payday loans to avoid borrowing from family and friends, and […]
February 26, 2013

Can I keep a credit card if I file bankruptcy?

One of the questions I am asked most often is: Can I keep a credit card if I file bankruptcy?  Many people can’t imagine living without at least one credit card. The answer to the question is:  No, you can not keep credit card debt off your bankruptcy.  The Bankruptcy Code requires that all creditors be […]
February 1, 2013

Before Bankruptcy: Can I be arrested if I ignore a summons from a credit card company?

People often ask me if they can be arrested if they ignore a summons from a credit card company.   In New York, the answer to this question is no.  In New Jersey, the answer is yes in some cases, but it can easily be avoided. This is a good question.  The Wall Street Journal found that over […]
January 30, 2013

After a New York Bankruptcy – Myth #1: Bankruptcy Destroys Your Credit for 7 to 10 Years

For twenty-eight years, I have had to explain to my clients that this is a myth.  You should be able to recover a good credit score in about two to three years.  I even see people get mortgages three years later. Believe it or not, right after the bankruptcy, credit card companies send people new credit […]
November 24, 2012

A Matter of Interest

Charles Juntikka on CBS Morning News A Matter of Interest 12/26/2004
November 24, 2012

Credit Cards: The New Loan Sharks

Charles Juntikka on CBS News Credit Cards: The New Loan Sharks 5/10/1999
November 24, 2012

Consumer Counseling Ripoffs

Charles Juntikka on CBS News Watch Video – Credit Counseling Ripoffs
November 24, 2012

Consumer Counseling Ripoffs (Part 2) 12/20/2000

Charles Juntikka on CBS News Consumer Counseling Ripoffs (Part 2) 12/20/2000
November 24, 2012

Credit Counselor Frauds 11/2003

Charles Juntikka on WNBC Local Channel 4 Credit Counselor Frauds 11/2003